is to FORGET who you THINK you are.

Give up all the labels you put on yourself for awhile and just try living as curious and naive as an innocent child or animal.

These words that often follow like I, me, or my are the language of our Ego – which is not evil in itself but rather incredibly inadequate at deciphering who we truly are.

It’s like describing the ocean as this blue wavy thing that can get you wet if you’re in it. 🙂

Labels, descriptors, self criticisms, and even gloating – keep us away from living inside out in such states as  wonder, curiosity, and even joy.  And this is really much closer to our true nature.  We can’t feel the experience when we are taking our chattering, distracting minds seriously.

We can’t experience things openly and freely when we are comparing, critiquing, judging, and even endless describing who we “think” we are.

Do yourself a favor and try to Just Be.  Try to steer you mind away from all this endless thinking about who you THINK you are.

And by the way, while you’re at it,  try it with all others in the world in which you are comparing, judging, and critiquing as well.

See if you can feel the difference

As Mr. Rogers said, ” I think you can.”