For the good of you, your country, your world, your spiritual identity —

Be Curious – This state keeps us out of our stories.  We can’t be in the stories when we are striving to learn more and understand more clearly.  Stay Objective!

Be Compassionate – Compassion reaches both to others but mostly to ourselves.  When we are compassionate we feel better.  Deep down often below conscious level, we know we are connected.  When we reach out internally and/or externally everybody thrives – firstly us.

Be Open – Being open means being real that we don’t have many answers.  The more we think we “know”, the farther we are from this open perspective.  Being open allows us to make room in our minds and hearts for others – which in turn nurtures our own sense of self judgement.  Remember, we are all students on this Life journey. Be a team player to all.

Be Kind – Easy to say…. Sometimes difficult to implement.  Put it in the front of your awareness and your world will change.  Kindness is the sunshine to our life.  Being kind on purpose helps to heal yourself from the inside out.

BE – Find ways to stay here in the present.  And remember, thinking thoughts is not being present.  Not that we want to abandon thinking.  Being conscious in our thinking is very helpful.   It is just where our stories that keep us distressed live.  We have to know when and how to get out of thinking.   Being present is our natural state that we forgot many moons ago.  Infants know it.  Animals know it.   And deep down, so do we!  But we must now cultivate it and get beneath all the stinking thinking to access this presence – our true highest and spiritual nature.