I heard recently from a study of the National Science Foundation that we each of us averages between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day.

Of these many thousand thoughts over 80% of these are negative in nature.

And if that is not sobering enough, about 95% of these thoughts are very close to the same thoughts from the day before.

You can see how easy it is for our minds to fall out of balance from the Inside Out with this persistent avalanche of mostly contaminated thoughts floating around up there.

As Shakespeare said, “Tis nothing is good or bad.  Thinking makes it so.”

In other words, our thoughts shape most of all of our personal existence.  Maybe it’s time to create a tool kit to help us to manage this inner phenomena.

Part 1 of this toolkit begins with slowing the equipment down regularly so we can actually see/hear/feel what is actually running up there.

Part 1 – In a safe quiet place where you are not operating any equipment, start with regular intentional(deeper and slower than normal) breathing.

Choose to focus on one aspect of the breath at a time is a great start.

So, with intention, take a deep breath feeling the air rise through your nose, travel down into your abdomen, feeling your stomach rise, then breathe out feeling your stomach retract, and then feel the warmer air glide through your mouth.

With your attention focused on one thing at a time, our minds are forced to temporarily let go of the whirlwind of thoughts for a moment!  Try this for 1 -2 minutes at first and work your way up.

This Step 1 is a crucial tool in making sure we get most out of the rest of our Toolkit!   Practice often.

Stay tuned for Step 2 coming soon.

In the meantime, if you are looking for a life changing plan to keep yourself in Balance, contact me for options for consultations.